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Updated 6-4-10 

     Vaccine court cases around the U.S. Please send submissions, updates, and corrections to: NC PReP Manager.    

Alan Phillips, J.D., Director
Rich Roberts, Manager


Barbara Loe Fisher v. Paul A. Offit, M.D., Amy Wallace, Condè Nast Publications Inc., 09 CV 1398, United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia
  • This is a defamation lawsuit by the NVIC's Barbara Loe Fisher for Dr. Offit's claim in Wired Magazine that Ms. Fisher "lies" about vaccines.
  • Filed: December 23, 2009
  • See the complaint here.
  • UPDATE: Case Dismissed, March 10, 2010. Read the Memorandum Opinion.

FDA Petition and Federal District Court Case to Stop Licensing of H1N1 Vaccine in the U.S.  This case is ongoing at this time.


Co-MeD v. US Sec. of HHS and FDA Commissioner
  • This was a 2009 injunction that asked the Court: (1) To stop the vaccination of pregnant women with any mercury-preserved flu vaccine, and (2) To stop the Secretary of Health and Human Services and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from recommending the vaccination of any pregnant woman with a mercury-preserved flu shot. The case in pending at this time. 
  • August 24, 2009 Press Announcement 
  • Co-Med Website for Mercury-Free Drugs 
This case is ongoing at this time.

Tim Vawter v. Federal Government, Civil Action No. 09-3803 (JAP), United States District Court for the District of New Jersey
  • This was an injunction filed in NJ federal district court to halt swine flu vaccines in the summer of 2009.
This case was dismissed 10-2-09. Here's a copy of the Order.

Here's why injunctions are likely to fail.

  © 2010 by  Alan Phillips, Attorney at Law, P.O. Box 3473, Chapel Hill, NC 27515-3473